
SwissCityMarathon completely sold out

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Two months before the SwissCityMarathon - Lucerne, all starting places for the three distances are completely sold out. 13,000 registrations have been received - and the demand for starting places continues unabated.

13,000 runners registered
The very last starting places for the SwissCityMarathon - Lucerne were allocated yesterday. This means that the event is completely sold out in all distances for the first time. With 13,000 registrations, the SwissCityMarathon - Lucerne 2024 has set an all-time registration record. In the 21KM half marathon, the maximum number of places has even been increased by 500 to 8,000. Every day, more people register on the online waiting list. The registration limit of 2,000 runners for the 42KM marathon has also been reached for several weeks. Compared to previous years, there has therefore been a significant increase in this very demanding distance. The last of the 3,000 starting places in the CityRun 10KM have been allocated in the past few days. Managing Director Reto Schorno: "The high number of registrations in spring heralded this pleasing development. The trend continued in the summer. Nevertheless, we are amazed that we are completely sold out in all distances two months in advance".

The potential is huge
The organising committee has reacted and now has a waiting list for all distances. Interested people can register via the registration platform on the website and move up in the event of cancellations. Reto Schorno explains that it is not possible to increase the number of starters any further: "We have been working hard in recent weeks to increase capacity. We have managed to do this within the limits of what is possible. However, we have now reached the maximum number of starting places, which we cannot exceed for quality and safety reasons."

Last chance
To enable interested runners to participate, the SwissCityMarathon - Lucerne is offering three individual challenges. Running times will be recorded at the fixed RUN365 timing stations around Lake Rotsee in Lucerne and along Lake Lucerne in Horw. All participants will be entered into a random draw for 30 starting places.